Created By : Vaibhavi Kumari

Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli

Last Updated : May 23, 2023

The specific gas constant calculator uses two ways to calculate the value of the specific gas constant. The specific gas constant for a gas/mixture can be calculated using either the molar mass of gas or the specific heat capacity of the gas mixture. 

Load distribution
Universal gas constant
Molar mass
per mole
Specific gas constant

What is Specific Gas Constant?

The specific gas constant is measured in J/kgK and is defined as the ratio of the molar gas constant to the molar mass of the gas. The ideal gas law formula establishes a relationship between the qualities of gas in the following way:

P * V = n * R * T


P = pressure, 

V = volume 

n = number of [moles] 

T = temperature

R = universal gas constant. 

Various gases and combinations have different specific gas constants. These are expressed numerically as follows:

Rs = R / M


M = gas or mixture's molar mass.

On the other hand, The particular gas constant connects the two specific heat capacities of the mixture or gas. For constant pressure Cp and constant volume Cv, the particular gas constant can be calculated as follows:

Rs = Cp - Cv

How Do You Find Out the Specific Gas Constant?

Calculate the specific gas constant by following the steps below.

Step 1: Choose a method for calculating a specific gas constant.

Step 2A: If you used the molar mass approach, input the gas's molar mass.

Step 3A: The calculator will provide you with the value of the specific gas constant.


Step 2B: Enter the specific heat capacity at constant pressure if you choose the specific heat method.

Step 3B: Using constant volume, calculate the specific heat capacity.

Step 4: The calculator will calculate the specific gas constant.

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FAQs on Specific Gas Constant Calculator

1. What is R specific gas constant?

R is the specific gas constant that represents the amount of mechanical work that can be produced by heating a unit mass of gas through a unit temperature rise.

2. What is the procedure for determining the specific gas constant?

To find the specific gas constant, do the following: Subtract the molar mass of gas from the universal gas constant.

3. What is the relationship between the specific gas constant and specific heat?

The relationship between the specific gas constant and the specific temperatures of gases is Rs = Cp - Cv.