Number Density Calculator
Get the number density of metal in a fraction of a second by using the free Number Density Calculator tool. To rapidly check the outcome, simply enter the substance density, molar mass, and the number of free electrons into the calculator's input boxes and press the calculate button.
Number Density Formula
The number density is a complex variable that describes the degree of concentration of countable items such as molecules, particles, cells, phonons, galaxies, and other objects.
During current flow, a charge carrier is a particle that transports an electric charge. The charge carrier number density of metal can be calculated using the following formula
n = Na * ρ * x / M
- Where, n = charge carrier number density
- x = number of free electrons per atom
- M = molar mass
- Na = Avogadro constant Na = 6.0221 x 10^23 1/mol
- ρ = density of the material
How to find Number Density?
The steps to quickly compute the charge carrier number density of metal are as follows. Check the guiding principles and regulations and follow them to achieve the desired result in a short period.
- Step 1: From the question, determine the substance's density, molar mass, and the number of free electrons.
- Step 2: Multiply the material density by the Avogadro constant and the number of free electrons per atom.
- Step 3: To obtain the charge carrier number density, divide the product by the object's molar mass.
How to Use the Number Density Calculator?
The following is the procedure how to use the Number Density calculator
- Step 1: Enter the density of a substance, molar mass, and number of free electrons in the given input fields of the calculator.
- Step 2: To acquire the result, click the "Calculate the Unknown" button.
- Step 3: Finally, the output field will show the number density of the material easily.
Number Density Examples
Question 1: Copper has a density of 7.86 g/cm^3 and several free electrons of 180. What is the density of copper in terms of numbers?
Given Density of copper ρ = 7.86 g/cm^3
Number of free electrons in copper x = 180
Molar mass of copper M = 63.55 g/mol
Number density formula is n = Na * ρ * x / M
n = 6.0221 x 10^23 x 180 x 7.86 x 10^6 / 63.55
= 13406.87 x 10^27 carriers/m^3
Therefore, the number density of copper is 13406.87 x 10^27 carriers/m^3.
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FAQs on Number Density Calculator
1. How can you figure out the density of numbers?
The formula for material density is ρ =m/V, where m represents mass and V is volume. n=N/V, where N is the total number of particles, is used to calculate number density once more.
2. How to find number density of a gas?
Remember the link between the number of moles and the mass to find this. Because density is m/V, reverse the equation to get: m/V = (MMP)/(RT) = gas density.
3. What is the purpose of the Number Density Calculator?
To get the number density of a substance as an output, enter the density, molar mass, and the number of free electrons into the calculator's input fields.
4. What does it mean to have a high charge density?
It can refer to the charge distribution over the volume of a particle such as a molecule, atom, or ion in chemistry. Because a lithium cation has a smaller ionic radius than a sodium cation, even though sodium has more electrons, the lithium cation will have a larger charge density.
5. How do you find the density of air?
Finding the air density is a simple process. The pressure imposed by the air must be divided into two partial pressures: dry air and water vapour. You can get the desired parameter by combining these two values.