Dipole Calculator
Make use of the free Dipole Calculator to quickly compute the antenna length, wavelength, and dipole leg length. Simply enter the antenna's frequency in the input field and press the calculate button to see the result in seconds.
What is Antenna's Effective Length?
The antenna length centre of radiation above the ground is the effective length or height of an antenna. The ratio of induced voltage to the incident field is known as the induced voltage to incident field ratio.
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Dipole Antenna Length Formulas
Dipole refers to two poles in general. A dipole antenna is a radio antenna with a conducting wise rod half the length of the maximum wavelength the antenna is designed to generate. An insulator divides the wire rod into two parts. Formulas for Dipole Antenna Length are L = 468/f
l = L/2
Wavelength = c/f
- Where, L is the entire dipole antenna length in feet.
- I is the length of the dipole antenna's arm in feet.
- The antenna frequency is denoted by the letter f.
- The speed of light c is 299,792,458 metres per second (m/s).
How can you find out the length of a dipole antenna?
The step-by-step technique described here can be used to answer the dipole questions. Follow these methods to acquire the desired result quickly.
- Step 1: From the question, determine the antenna's frequency.
- Step 2: The antenna length is calculated by dividing 468 by frequency.
- Step 3: The dipole leg length is equal to half of the antenna length.
- Step 4: To determine the wavelength, divide the light speed by the frequency.
Dipole Examples
Question 1:If the antenna frequency is 25 MHz, calculate the dipole radio antenna length, dipole leg length, and wavelength.
Frequency f = 25 MHz
Dipole Antenna Total Length L = 486/f
L = 468/25
L = 18.72 ft
Dipole leg length l = L/2
l = 18.72/2
l = 9.36 ft
Dipole leg length l = 9.36 ft
Wavelength = c/f
= 299,792,458/25
= 11.99 m
Wavelength = 11.99 m
1/2 wavelength = 11.99/2 = 5.99 m
1/4 wavelength = 11.99/4 = 2.997 m
FAQs on Dipole
1. What is the purpose of the ozone dipole moment?
The lone pair in the directed orbital of the central oxygen atom contributes the most to the dipole moment of ozone. The orbitals that contain the valence electrons of the other two oxygen atoms are more directed.
2. What is the Dipole Calculator and how do I use it?
To compute the parameters of an antenna diploe, you must first determine the antenna's frequency. Enter the frequency and then press the calculate button to get the total antenna length, one-arm antenna length, and wavelength.
3. How is dipole calculated?
The dipole moment is determined by multiplying the distance between hydrogen and oxygen atoms by the charge difference between them. The net dipole moment is then calculated using the angle between the atoms. The bond moment of the O-H bond is -1.5D, while the angle generated by a water molecule is 104.5°.
4. What is the relationship between the length and frequency of a dipole antenna?
We can deduce from the antenna length that as the antenna frequency rises, the length decreases. As a result, the frequency is inversely proportional to the antenna length.
5. What is the definition of dipole direction?
The electric dipole moment is a vector that is directed along a line from negative to positive charge. The electric field near dipole moments tends to point in the same direction.