Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli

Last Updated : May 17, 2023

For each wind speed and direction, this calculator employs vector analysis to calculate the corrective angle. You can correct the effect of wind using this information and fly your aircraft along the intended path. Continue reading to learn about the impact of wind on an airplane's flight path and how to determine the wind correction angle.

What is Wind Correction Angle?

When flying through the wind, a wind correction angle is an angle at which an aircraft's flight should be adjusted to maintain the same true bearing as if there's no wind at all.

Angle of Wind Correction Formula

A wind correction angle is calculated using the formula below i.e. WCA = a sin ( WS * (sin(AWA)/TAS))

  • Where,
  • WCA = wind correction angle (degrees)
  • WS = wind speed
  • AWA = acute wind angle
  • TAS = true airspeed of the vehicle

How do I Calculate Wind Correction Angle?

The following is the procedure of wind correction angle: 

  • Step 1: Wind speed can be measured or calculated.
  • Step 2: Calculate the acute angle of the wind.
  • Step 3: Calculate the plane's true airspeed.
  • Step 4: Using the equation above, calculate the wind correction angle.

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FAQs on Wind Correction Angle Calculator

1. What is the definition of a wind correction angle?

A wind correction angle is an angle at which a vehicle should point in order to maintain the same true bearing or desired true direction while subjected to the force of the wind.

2. What is the 270-degree wind direction?

Wind direction is usually expressed in degrees and refers to the direction in which the wind is blowing. On a compass, 0 degrees equals due North, and 180 degrees equals due South. A wind blowing in from the west would have a direction of 270 degrees.

3. What is the angle of correction?

The correction angle is given to the aircraft's path by directing its nose towards the wind in a way that counteracts the influence of wind is known as wind correction angle (or WCA). This will guarantee that our plane stays on track.

4. What method do you use to determine the true direction and speed of the wind?

If you're using a wind metre, you can calculate the true wind speed by riding close-hauled and deducting 80% of the boat speed from the wind meter's apparent wind reading. You'll be extremely close if you do this.

5. Why do we use a formula to repair errors?

When sampling without replacing more than 5% of a finite population, the Finite Population Correction Factor (FPC) is employed. It's required because the Central Limit Theorem does not apply in these conditions, and the estimate's standard error (e.g., the mean or proportion) will be too large.