Created By : Naaz Fatima

Last Updated : May 07, 2023

To simply calculate the storm distance or time between the flash and thunder, use our free Lighting Distance Calculator tool. Simply enter the time between thunder and flash or the distance between the thunder and lightning in the fields provided. To get the result in a fraction of a second, use the calculate button.

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Time between flash and thunder:

How to Calculate Lightning Distance?

Get the simple and manual steps to find the Lightning distance easily.

  • Get the time to notice the storm and thunder
  • Multiply the time by speed of sound in air
  • Product is the storm distance value.

Lightning Distance Formula

Lightning distance is how far away is lightning. The method of counting the seconds between the lightning and thunder is called the flash to bang technique.

The simple method to find the storm distance is count the number of seconds you hear the thunder. Divide the number of seconds by 3 to get the distance in kilometers.

The formula to calculate the storm distance is along the lines:

storm_distance = time * sound_speed

The formula to calculate the time = storm_distance/sound_speed


time is the number of seconds between noticing the flash and the thunder.

Speed of sound is 343 m/s


Question: If the time between the flash and thunder is 28 s, what is the storm distance?


Given that

The time between flash and thunder = 28

Speed of sound = 343 m/s

storm_distance = time * sound_speed

= 28 x 343

= 9604 m

= 9.604 km

Therefore, the lightning distance is 9.604 km.

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FAQ's on Lightning Distance Calculator

1. How to find the storm distance?

Four simple steps to calculate the lightning distance is watch the sky for flash, count the number of seconds you hear the storm, calculate the distance from lightning by dividing the time by 3 to get the result in miles.

2. What is the speed of sound in air?

The constant speed of sound in air is 343 m/s.

3. What is the formula to calculate the lightning distance in km?

The formula to find the lightning distance is storm_distance = time * speed_of_sound.

4. What is the approximate storm distance if the thunder time is 18 seconds?

Time = 18 seconds

Divide the time by 5 to get lightning distance in km.

lightning distance = 18/5

lightning distance = 3.6 km.

Lightning Distance Formula

The distance between lightning strikes is referred to as lightning distance. The flash to bang methodology is a method of counting the seconds between lightning and thunder.

Counting the number of seconds you hear thunder is a simple way to determine storm distance. To determine the distance in kilometres, multiply the number of seconds by three. The storm distance is calculated using the following formula

Storm distance = time * sound speed

The time is calculated using the formula storm distance/sound speed. Where, The number of seconds between noticing the flash and hearing thunder is called time. The sound speed is 343 m/s.

How to Calculate Lighting Distance?

To simply find the Lightning distance, follow these simple and straightforward procedures.

  • Step 1: Allow yourself to be aware of the storm and thunder.
  • Step 2: The storm distance is calculated by multiplying time by the sound speed in the air.

How far away is Lightning during a Storm?

The flash-to-bang approach is a method of counting the seconds between lightning and thunder. So, how far away does the lightning strike

  • Keep an eye on the stormy skies. Hopefully, you are not in the middle of a thunderstorm!
  • Count the seconds till you hear the thunder as soon as you observe the lightning strike. Count seconds as accurately as possible using your watch, phone, or your fingers. Assume it's 15 seconds in our scenario.
  • Determine the storm's distance. Divide the number of seconds by 5 to get an estimate of how far away lightning is in miles; divide the seconds by 3 to get an estimate of how far away lightning is in kilometres. We'll get 3 miles or 5 kilometres out of it.
  • Alternatively, you can use our lightning distance calculator, which can compute it at the speed of light!

Lighting Distance Examples

Question 1: What is the storm distance if the time between the flash and thunder is 30 seconds?



The time between flash and thunder = 30

Speed of sound = 343 m/s

storm_distance = time * sound_speed

= 30 x 343

= 10290 m

= 10.29 km

Hence, the lightning distance is 10.29 km.

FAQs on Lighting Distance Calculator

1. How do you calculate the storm distance?

To calculate the distance from lightning, follow these four simple steps: look for flashes in the sky, count the number of seconds you hear the storm, then divide the duration by three to get the result in miles.

2. How to calculate lighting distance?

The distance in miles to the lightning can be calculated by counting the number of seconds between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder, then dividing by 5. 5 seconds equals one mile, 15 seconds equals three miles, and 0 seconds equals very close. Keep in mind that you should count in a secure location.

3. If the thunder time is 23 seconds, what is the storm's estimated distance?

Time = 23 seconds. To calculate the lightning distance in kilometres, divide the time by 5. lightning distance = 23/5 lightning distance = 4.6 km.

4. How do you find out the lighting utilisation factor?

The proportion of light reaching the working plane to the light output of lamps is known as the utilisation factor. UF = Lumens received on the Working Plan / Lumens produced by the luminaires Utilization Factors for standard settings can be found in the catalogues of lighting manufacturers.

5. How fast does sound travel in the air?

In the air, the constant speed of sound is 343 m/s.

6. What is the formula for calculating the distance travelled by lightning in kilometres?

Storm distance = time * speed of sound is the formula for calculating lighting distance.