Created By : Vaibhavi Kumari

Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli

Last Updated : May 17, 2023

Make the most of the Boyle's Law Calculator to quickly determine a gas's pressure or volume. Simply enter the required inputs as directed by Boyle's Law Equation, and the unknown parameter will be found in a couple of seconds.

Choose a Calculation
Initial Pressure(p1):
Initial Volume(v1):
Final Pressure(p2):
Final Volume(v2):

Boyle's Law Definition

Boyle's Law describes the relationship between pressure and volume of a gas at constant temperature and mass. According to this formula, pressure is inversely proportional to volume. In other words, as long as the temperature is constant, the product of pressure and volume of a gas in a closed system remains constant.

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What is the Formula for Boyle's Law?

Boyle's Gas Law Formula can be written as p 1 * V 1 = p 2 *V 2 , where p 1and V 1are the beginning pressures and p2 and V2 are the final gas parameter values. We may simply determine the unknown number by rewriting the equation of Boyle's law based on the parameter you need to estimate. We can determine the resulting pressure by changing the volume of gas under isothermal conditions.

Then p 2= p 1* V 1/ V 2or p 2/ p 1= V 1/ V 2can be represented as Boyle's Equation. It is clear from the equation that the ratio of final and initial pressures is the inverse of the ratio of volumes. On a Boyle's Law Graph, we can easily see the entire process. The type that is most usually employed is pressure as a function of volume. The curve for this process is a hyperbola, and its evolution can go either way, satisfying the Boyle's Law in both compression and expansion.

Boyle's Law Applications

All processes in which temperature remains constant are explained by Boyle's Law. Boyle's Law is applicable in a few situations, which are explored in detail in the sections below.

Carnot Heat Engine:It satisfies Boyle's Law and involves four thermodynamic processes, two of which are isothermal. This method describes the heat engine's greatest efficiency.

Breathing:Boyle's Law can be linked to the process of breathing. When you take a breath, your diaphragm and intercostal muscles expand the volume of your lungs, lowering gas pressure. When air moves from a high-pressure location to a low-pressure area, it enters the lungs, allowing humans to draw oxygen from the surrounding environment. The volume of the lungs decreases during exhalation.

SyringeWhen you pull the plunger on a syringe, the available volume increases, lowering the pressure. Suction of Fluid Occurs according to Boyle's Law.

The fundamental laws that describe numerous thermodynamic processes include Boyle's Law, Charles Law, and Gay-Lussac's Law

Boyle's Law Calculation Example

Question 1:A fixed amount of gas occupies a 3L volume and exerts a 900 kPa pressure on the container's walls. What is the pressure exerted by the gas when it is totally transferred to a fresh 6L container? Assume that the temperature and volume of gas remain constant.


Consider the problem, we have

Initial volume (V 1) = 3L

Initial pressure (p 1) = 500 kPa

Final volume (V 2) = 5L

Mass of Metal = 15g

According to Boyle's law, p 1*V 1= p 2*V 2.

Rewriting the above boyle's law equation to obtain the final pressure exerted by the gas on the walls of the container we have, p 2=p 1* V 1/V 2

Substituting the known parameters in the above formula we get the equation as such p 2= 500* 3 / 5=1500/5 Kpa=300kpa.

Therefore, the gas exterts a pressure of 300kpa on the walls of the 5 liters container.

FAQs on Boyle's Law Calculator

1. What does Boyle's Law imply?

The pressure exerted by a gas is inversely proportional to the volume under Constant Pressure, according to Boyle's Law.

2. What is the Boyle's Law formula?

Boyle's Law is represented by the formula, p 1*V 1= p 2*V 2.

3. What is the significance of Boyle's Law?

Boyle's Law is required to understand how gases behave. It demonstrates that pressure and volume are inversely proportional.

4. What is the difference between Boyle's Law and Charles Law?

Boyle's Law maintains a constant temperature for both the pressure and volume of the gas. In the case of Charles Law, however, the temperature and volume of the gas are kept constant.